Check register to ensure your vote

The Electoral Registration Officer has published a revised version of the full Register of Electors for the Borough of East Staffordshire.

Residents of the Borough are now urged to make sure that their names are listed on the register.

People are registered at the address where they were living on October 15th, 2012 – and these include:

  • British Citizens
  • Citizens of the Irish Republic
  • Citizens of European Union Countries
  • Qualifying Commonwealth Citizens

The Register is available for inspection, under supervision, during normal office hours, at the Customer Service Centre in the Market Place, High Street, Burton upon Trent, and the Customer Service Centre, Uttoxeter Library.

If you are missed off the register, or your details have changed since October 15th, 2012 (for example, because you have moved), you should contact the Electoral Registration Officer immediately, by phoning the helpline: 01283 508376 or by emailing –

It’s not just important to register to vote, credit agencies use the register to verify residency – if you are not on the register this could affect any credit applications which you may make.

For more information please go to