An introductory Exploring Enterprise workshop is taking place on Friday 15th March 2013 in the offices of East Staffordshire Borough Council at The Maltsters, Wetmore Road, Burton-upon-Trent DE14 1LS between 10.00am – 1.00pm.

Enterprise for Success is a free programme of business support that is provided by East Staffordshire Borough Council and part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The programme is open to any resident of the borough who is considering self-employment or starting a small business and for new young businesses less than three years old.

The programme is delivered across East Staffordshire by Blue Orchid, a firm of consultants and business advisors who have extensive experience of working with small businesses and delivering a range of government funded programmes which have been designed to help individuals who are considering working for themselves. The support, advice and guidance is provided in a relaxed and friendly manner by experienced business advisors who deliver assistance through a combination of seminars and personal one-to-one advisory sessions.

Councillor David Leese, Deputy Leader for Partnerships, said: “If people have the seed of an idea but are unsure what steps they need to take to make it become a reality then they will receive individual tailored support from a member of the qualified advisory team who will help them develop their vision in a clear and orderly manner.

This is a free and confidential service that provides advice and support for business start-ups and new young businesses in East Staffordshire. Support will also be provided to individuals and businesses who are applying for grant support from the local authority”.

This workshop will be repeated again during April, May and June 2013 and will be supported by a full programme of Business Planning workshops, details of which will be available shortly.

For further information please contact the Gateway team on 0121 704 6206 or email us at

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