You can make sure that your web visitors can see that you are listed at by displaying one of these buttons on your website. You are welcome to use the buttons on your brochures / leaflets / menus etc too if you wish.

[title color=”orange-vibrant” align=”scmgcleft” font=”arial” style=”normal” size=”scmgc-1em”]Large Button[/title]

To add the button above to your website, simply copy the following code
and paste it into your web page:

<P><A title=”Burton on Trent” href=”” target=_blank><IMG title=”Burton on Trent” alt=”Burton on Trent” hspace=0 src=”” align=baseline border=0></A></P>

Alternatively, you can download the image by right clicking HERE and saving it to your computer.


[title color=”orange-vibrant” align=”scmgcleft” font=”arial” style=”normal” size=”scmgc-1em”]Medium Button[/title]

To add the button above to your website, simply copy the following code
and paste it into your web page:

<P><A title=”Burton on Trent” href=”” target=_blank><IMG title=”Burton on Trent” alt=”Burton on Trent” hspace=0 src=”” align=baseline border=0></A></P>

Alternatively, you can download the image by right clicking HERE and saving it to your computer.


[title color=”orange-vibrant” align=”scmgcleft” font=”arial” style=”normal” size=”scmgc-1em”]Small Button[/title]

 To add the button above to your website, simply copy the following code
and paste it into your web page:

<P><A title=”Burton on Trent” href=”” target=_blank><IMG title=”Burton on Trent” alt=”Burton on Trent” hspace=0 src=”” align=baseline border=0></A></P>

Alternatively, you can download the image by right clicking HERE and saving it to your computer.